Proud of my boy, Django. Last week he passed his 50th master test…which qualifies him for GRCA’s HUNT TEST HALL OF FAME!
As of 2020, there were only 52 goldens with this recognition - just an awesome accomplishment for John’s pride and joy! John’s birthday was this passed Saturday (9/4)…what a nice birthday gift…wish he was here with us to enjoy it. I can picture how John would be celebrating 🥳 😪 Unfortunately, I don’t have anyone in real life to share this with so Facebook world gets to hear about it. I’m so proud of him.
And…my favorite red headed stepchild Django…beat his brother Grip (Grip only has 48 master passes) ;o) For once, Grip is in Django’s shadow instead of the other way around. (Yes, Grip is in a hall of fame too…but it’s the HRC HOF). FYI - There are 3 hall of fames for golden hunt test competitors (HRC, GRCA & MN).
HRCH UH Thunderstruck Django Unchained MH50 WCX** HTHF
Nice ring to it, huh? 🥰
Although most of the passes were earned by Django and I as a team on the line, many people helped us along our way. Bucko (Brooke VandeBrake Jr., Conway Kennels) & Justin Jackson (Texoma Retrievers) ran Django when I was unable to. Tim Springer (Dynamic Retrievers) helped with Django’s basics (much needed help as John was NOT a natural trainer/handler lol). Bucko took pity on me after John died when he saw me struggle to sync with Django during the transition to me handling Django at our first few master tests lol…and he helped Django step up to be the consistent competitor he has become. Justin currently has Django (he was the lucky one who got to be by Django’s side for his 50th pass)…they are prepping for the Grand and Master Nationals, which sadly, I won’t be able to handle my boys or attend as I’m at home tending to puppies. Justin takes good care of my boys and spoils them in exactly the way goldens deserve to be spoiled ;o)
Lastly, I am forever grateful to Todd & Benita Otterness (Thunderstruck Retrievers) who “created” Django and selected us as his family!
Well done my Chewbaca…can’t wait to hug you soon!
As of 2020, there were only 52 goldens with this recognition - just an awesome accomplishment for John’s pride and joy! John’s birthday was this passed Saturday (9/4)…what a nice birthday gift…wish he was here with us to enjoy it. I can picture how John would be celebrating 🥳 😪 Unfortunately, I don’t have anyone in real life to share this with so Facebook world gets to hear about it. I’m so proud of him.
And…my favorite red headed stepchild Django…beat his brother Grip (Grip only has 48 master passes) ;o) For once, Grip is in Django’s shadow instead of the other way around. (Yes, Grip is in a hall of fame too…but it’s the HRC HOF). FYI - There are 3 hall of fames for golden hunt test competitors (HRC, GRCA & MN).
HRCH UH Thunderstruck Django Unchained MH50 WCX** HTHF
Nice ring to it, huh? 🥰
Although most of the passes were earned by Django and I as a team on the line, many people helped us along our way. Bucko (Brooke VandeBrake Jr., Conway Kennels) & Justin Jackson (Texoma Retrievers) ran Django when I was unable to. Tim Springer (Dynamic Retrievers) helped with Django’s basics (much needed help as John was NOT a natural trainer/handler lol). Bucko took pity on me after John died when he saw me struggle to sync with Django during the transition to me handling Django at our first few master tests lol…and he helped Django step up to be the consistent competitor he has become. Justin currently has Django (he was the lucky one who got to be by Django’s side for his 50th pass)…they are prepping for the Grand and Master Nationals, which sadly, I won’t be able to handle my boys or attend as I’m at home tending to puppies. Justin takes good care of my boys and spoils them in exactly the way goldens deserve to be spoiled ;o)
Lastly, I am forever grateful to Todd & Benita Otterness (Thunderstruck Retrievers) who “created” Django and selected us as his family!
Well done my Chewbaca…can’t wait to hug you soon!